Total Medals Earned: 1,081 (From
183 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 12,165 Points
You lost the game.
Kill a caveman with your icicle.
Show some interest!
Hit a bird with your icicle.
Hit two birds AND kill a caveman in one go.
Reach level 15.
You're the icicle master. Complete the game.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Fail the first level
Bump into a locked door in the third level.
Beat the game and read the ending
Pick up the spray without the glasses in the fourth level
Bump into the second door of the seventh level
Beat the whole game without closing the browser and coming back
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Pickup treasure from behind an obstacle
Knock the boulder back 5 times in one game
Collect exactly 69 gems in one game
Collect 10 tanks in one game
Collect 100 gems in one game
Collect 200 gems in one game
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Finish the tutorial levels starting from the first one
Make Bit a bit Angry
Beat 10 levels
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Open all levels
Boss #1
Boss #2
Boss #3
Boss #5
Boss #4
Boss #6
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Crash the game... and your computer?
Split horizontally for the first time
Split vertically for the first time
Complete the game
Extra Life!
You bounced the apple 10 times!
Listened to the Buttermilk Biscuits song!
You have clicked New Game!
Got 10 Coins!
Got 25 Coins!
You bounced the apple 25 times!
You bounced the apple 35 times!
Got 35 Coins!
You bounced the apple 50 times! WOW!
Got 50 Coins!
Listened to the Shanty Shuffle song!
Listened to the Backwater Breakdown song!
You have beaten the whole game!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
touch enemy or spike... not sooo clever!
kill the first enemy!
That's the way things work!
mastered the first floor!
found a gun!
kill the Evil End Boss!
maximum level experience!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Collect 100 Gems.
Play to day 7 and beyond.
Collect All Giant Gems.
Collect 400 Gems.
Find all the checkpoints in the level.
Beat the Super Dashing Course in under 25 seconds.
Fill out every entry in the Codex.
Collect every Red Gem on the Level.
Buy every skill.
Max out every single level type.
Defeat Nightmare with only 1 LOVE level.
Complete the game without ever sleeping.
Get 100% completion.
Hit a visitor that is already jumping into the cage.
Make a 10-Combo.
Make a 30-Combo.
Finish a level.
Finish a level without losing health.
Use Battlecry three times during a single level.
Collect $50,000 in total.
Visit Nobleville
Visit Busytown.
Make a 100-Combo.
Collect $400,000 in total.
Possess three healthpacks.
Encounter all different types of visitors in the game.
Use each item (Healthpack, Battlecry, Nuke, Shield) at least once.
Make a 300-Combo.
Beat the game.
Max out the money upgrade.
Collect $1,500,000 in total.
Reach level 20 in the arena.
Have all upgrades in the game maxed out.